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September 8, 2014 / henrybeun

It began with Rita

Often I wonder about the source of our (my) ideas. God has given us minds, our minds have imaginations. God has given us “hearts”, our hearts are filled with passions and compassion for others. Created “in the image if God” enables us, empowers us, to know the mind and heart of God. So, how does one know whether an “idea”, even one that seems really crazy and illogical, comes from God? Here’s a true story that offers an answer to my musings.

Von interrupted our Heart of Central session with the seniors brazenly announcing an Ice Bucket Challenge. He challenged me to take the ice bath for a cause, and, Rita (his wife) was challenging one of my colleagues, Jolene. We bantered back and forth for a bit and then accepted the challenge; seriously, was there a choice with this public challenge. Seniors cheered as we agreed to accept the challenge the next day! We would give them the honors of pouring / dumping the ice water. Oh, the power of peer pressure! 

Several hours later I left the school using the north driveway to go to Shadyview Pantry, usually I leave for home using the south driveway. It was after 5:00, Julie had warned me they would be closed (I would go anyway, they were closed, I call to tell her she was right.) As I came around the bend on the school driveway I noticed an oncoming vehicle. It was Rita! Waving out my window I stopped her. “Thanks a lot!” I yelled as she stopped beside me. Initially looking befuddled, she responded, “What?” “The challenge,” I laughingly replied. 

She offered the undocumented (no video on social media) version of the Schrock family’s accepting and passing along the challenge. Ready to move along I raised my hand to wave. “Wait,” she stopped me. “Von and I are donating to MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) for a water well project.” “Wow, good idea … thanks again!” I laughed.

Enjoying supper on our deck I recalled the Ice Bucket Challenge story to Julie. She wondered whether we should consider giving to a alternative not for profit organization. With the luxury of wifi on our deck I searched for ice bucket alternatives. I was surprised! #icebucketchallenge and #icebucketchallengealternatives were trending on the internet. 

While learning about other options I mused aloud, “I wonder if we could do something local benefitting someone we know. Who do we know that has deals daily with neurological issues?” Out of “nowhere” I thought of a family who’s daughter (Jenelle) will undergo a surgical brain procedure with hopes that the tremors in her arm will cease. I recalled a conversation with her brother Josh while I watched a few minutes of the JV soccer match before leaving school. Additionally, her brother Jon was a senior.

What if we gave a tangible gift of love by sending a note and include a small amount of money for the additional expenses of driving back and forth for medical appointments? As Julie and I discussed the possibility I wondered aloud, “this may be a really crazy idea, but since the seniors get the joy of dumping ice water on my head … what if we pass along the challenge by challenging them to give “cold” cash which we would match!?!”

The idea was energizing. I quickly texted Jolene and Rita with the idea. They replied with affirmation; Jolene reminded me of another senior’s family burdened with a medical crisis. Nicole’s father had been diagnosed with brain cancer this spring. Why not include them (her)? Yes, why not! The crazy idea of reframing the ice bucket challenge with this alternative was now offering the opportunity for being relational.

Jolene and I met Friday morning to finalize finalize the “cold cash” challenge to the seniors and our willingness to match whatever they raised in one week. I wanted to cap the amount at what I considered an optimistic $400. Jolene opposed my suggestion, “let’s leave it open ended.” We were excited and considered this opportunity for the class to demonstrate their love and willingness to walk alongside Jon, Nicole and their two families. We were also nervous as we considered in a few hours we would take the ice bucket challenge. We shared our idea with Jon and Nicole as a final step of testing and confirmation, we wanted to be sensitive to them. Nate and Heidi, also senior Heart of Central teachers, wanted in on the challenge as well, “we’ll give what we can.”

At 1:00 we met with the seniors in the classroom to explain our proposal. “If each of you gave $10 we would have $400 + $400 matched. That would be a very tangible act of love, caring, sensitivity and friendship.” The idea was that it was to be there own money; from their earnings or spending allowance. They responded positively to the “cold cash” challenge. Seemingly aware of the journey Jon and Nicole were on their enthusiasm for seeing two teachers taking an ice bucket bath was held in check. We made our way outside where Olivia, Luke and Weston had set the school’s orange drink coolers filled with ice and water. Check out video evidence of our Ice Bucket Challenge alternative at the end of this post. Can one say adrenalin rush? 

Truthfully I thought it was reasonable for seniors to collect about $500 “cold cash”. Early the next week Andrew, class treasurer, stopped me in the hall during lunch surrounded by some of his classmates. He showed me a thick wad of bills. Wow! I also noticed the smiles, joy and energy of those gathered around us. A  day later he asked if money from parents could be included. “Why not!” I exclaimed. “We will match you.” By now we had a good idea of the dollar amount the four senior Heart of Central teachers could pool together; Nate and Heidi wanted in on the fun as well.

Friday, a week after the “cold cash challenge,” Andrew announced the total. Dramatically, enthusiastically and with a drum roll, he pulled out a thick envelope. “1,212!” The class cheered and clapped, it was a moment of joy and love we should have captured on video in this digital era. “Give us a week,” was my reply as I tried to balance my amazement with an anxiety of how we could we match their dollar amount. I texted Julie with the “news”. She too was amazed. “It’s a God thing, somehow we will meet the match.” At the end of the day I sent an email to faculty wondering whether Jolene and I had made a foolish vow; they were invited to help us meet the match. Admittedly I was concerned that we wouldn’t hold up our part of the “cold cash challenge.” The class would understand I reasoned.

At midweek Jolene, Nate, Heidi and I pooled our money: $1,250! Incredible! (Will you trust me if I simply say the timing was right for the four of us?) Add to that another $450+ several faculty have given! This past Friday we announced to the seniors that the Challenge had been met, plus more! They cheered and clapped. Again, an expression of love for their classmates Jon and Nicole.

Today we will write notes to the two families and figure out how we can present the gift to the families. I believe this is not the final activity of the Challenge. We will continue to pray for the families and for classmates Jon and Nicole. And, who knows what else God will invite us to …

How do we know if an idea, no matter how crazy, illogical, impossible and/or impractical is from God? We begin by listening for God to speak within the day to day adventure we call life. Be attentive to our thoughts and ideas, created in the image of God we can think with the same passion, compassion and love which are at the heart and mind of the Almighty God. Then we share these ideas with those whom we know will discern and submit to their counsel. So often others will clarify our God given ideas because the same Spirit of God is present In their heart and mind. Then, we begin living in the ideas; trusting that if it’s to be the perceived obstacles and fears will dissolve in some way. And, if it’s not to be, well that will become evident as well. – long version – short version


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  1. Michelle (Woodrich) LaFleur / Sep 15 2014 6:39 am

    Central has chosen to walk beside us through this journey and has covered us in prayer, surrounded us with love and now, tangibly supported us with an incredible gift to help with expenses. We feel your love for our family and the hand of God as you support us. Thank you seems like such an inadequate expression but, know that this will always be remembered and I am personally challenged to find ways throughout my life to pay it forward. From the depth of my heart, I love you guys.

  2. henrybeun / Sep 22 2014 5:52 am

    Blessings of peace, healing and God’s presence today. Janelle is on our minds and in our prayers.

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